
At Woodhouse Primary School we aim to provide a welcoming, safe and caring environment where everybody is encouraged and enabled to become successful, resilient and confident learners. We have high expectations and work collaboratively enabling our pupils to have a good understanding of the world in which they are growing up. We encourage our pupils to think for themselves and respect others, thus enabling them to build on their growing knowledge and be responsible, self-assured citizens.

Each half term, the curriculum focus links to one of the six school aims: Be United, Be Creative, Be Bold, Be Safe, Be Healthy and Be Caring.

Be United

To celebrate our social and cultural diversity so that everyone feels valued and respected

Be Safe

To provide a caring, secure and nurturing environment where all can learn, work or play with confidence

Be Healthy

To provide opportunities for pupils to develop healthy lifestyles and thereby promote physical, spiritual and emotional well – being

Be Creative

To offer a curriculum which is relevant and creative; promoting high quality learning which challenges  and develops  all our pupils’ talents and gifts  enabling  them to reach their full potential

Be Caring

To respect and value ourselves and others in the community by displaying positive attitudes, pride in our school, appreciation of each other and challenging negative influences and behaviour

Be Bold

To provide learning experiences, both inside and outside the classroom, which promote and develop pupils’ independence and resilience

By curriculum we mean any aspect of the school’s work that develops children’s knowledge, skills and understanding. This includes:

  • Lessons, group and individual intervention sessions including academic as well as personal and social, home learning
  • Assemblies, workshops, visitors ,special theme days, off –site visits
  • Enterprise opportunities – each year group will undertake an enterprise project linked to their learning

In addition to covering the National Curriculum, our curriculum aims to address issues which are pertinent to Woodhouse and develop the cultural capital of our pupils:

  • We want our children to understand the factors that affect their physical skills, self – esteem and emotional well-being so that they are able to recognise the importance of pursuing a healthy lifestyle and develop coping strategies to keep themselves safe and healthy
  • We need to enable our children to develop self - awareness in order to take more responsibility for their decisions and actions and minimise over reliance on adults

Curriculum by Subject

Curriculum by Year Group

Woodhouse is the best school ever because people work together as a team

Year 3 Pupil

Year 1 and beyond

Once our children move into Year 1 they begin the transition to the National Curriculum. This consists of the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and Computing. There are also foundation subjects included in the curriculum: Art and Design, Design and Technology, Geography, History, French (KS2 only), Music and Physical Education. The school follows the RE syllabus recommended by the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (see below). A bespoke RESPECT curriculum (Relationships, Education, Social, Personal, Emotional, Citizenship, Trust) has been developed in response to promoting our pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development and links closely to the school’s values. Each year group learns about pertinent issues linking to the following:

Be United, Be Creative, Be Safe, Be Caring, Be Bold and Be Healthy

Within the SMSC element of the curriculum, and covertly across many areas of school, we seek to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

We deliver a curriculum built on theme - based learning to enthuse and engage our children. This curriculum includes lots of shared talk and opportunities to carry out research. Opportunities to make links are maximised and cross-curricular learning (CCL) is an intrinsic part of provision for all year groups.


Please follow this link to see how reading is taught at Woodhouse

Curriculum by Year Group

Year 6 Curriculum

Year 6 Curriculum Autumn 1 Year 6 Curriculum Spring 2 Year 6 Curriculum Spring 1 Year 6 Curriculum Summer 1 Year 6 Curriculum Summer 2 Year 6 Curriculum Autumn 2

Year 5 Curriculum

Year 5 Curriculum Autumn 1 Year 5 Curriculum Spring 1 Year 5 Curriculum Autumn 2 Year 5 Curriculum Summer 2 Year 5 Curriculum Summer 1 Year 5 Curriculum Spring 2

Year 4 Curriculum 

Year 4 Curriculum Autumn 1 Year 4 Curriculum Summer 2 Year 4 Curriculum Summer 1 Year 4 Curriculum Spring 1 Year 4 Curriculum Autumn 2 Year 4 Curriculum Spring 2

Year 3 Curriculum

Year 3 Curriculum Autumn 1 Year 3 Curriculum Summer 2 Year 3 Curriculum Spring 2 Year 3 Curriculum Spring 1 Year 3 Curriculum Summer 1 Year 3 Curriculum Autumn 2

Year 2 Curriculum

Year 2 Curriculum Autumn 1 Year 2 Curriculum Summer 1 Year 2 Curriculum Spring 1 Year 2 Curriculum Autumn 2 Year 2 Curriculum Summer 2 Year 2 Curriculum Spring 2

Year 1 Curriculum

Year 1 Curriculum Autumn 1 Year 1 Curriculum Summer 1 Year 1 Curriculum Spring 1 Year 1 Curriculum Autumn 2 Year 1 Curriculum Spring 2 Year 1 Curriculum Summer 2

Reception Curriculum 

Reception Curriculum Autumn 1 Reception Enquiry Learning Overview Autumn 2 Reception Curriculum Summer 2 Reception Curriculum Summer 1 Reception Curriculum Spring 2 Reception Curriculum Spring 1 Reception Curriculum Autumn 2

Curriculum by Subject




Relationships Education & Social, Personal, Emotional, Citizenship & Trust

National Test Results

2023 Results

KS2 2024





R, W, M combined

Expected standard +






National (2023)






Higher standard






National (2023)






Average scaled score

(100 is expected)
















Phonics 2024

Y1 Phonics





National (2023)




EYFS 2024












National (2023)



