The Woodhouse Languages curriculum is currently being developed and enriched in collaboration with the MFL team at Rastrick High school, the school which the majority of our pupils transition to. Our aim is to create a robust, reiterative scheme of work, which is progressive and promotes practical communication, fostering a love of language and to provide the foundation for further language learning in KS3 and beyond. Pupils will gain a greater understanding of another cultures and, through the four key skills (speaking & listening; reading & writing), will progress to expressing themselves with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity by the end of Yr6.
Speaking & Listening (inc phonics) |
· Speaking and listening will continually be the basis of our language learning. Pupils will hear authentic French speakers when being introduced to new vocabulary and will have the opportunity to develop pronunciation and intonation. · Pupils will be introduced to the French alphabet in Y3. · To aid pupils own pronunciation, words are written phonetically on sentence builders and knowledge organisers (to show key knowledge for each unit of work). · Pupils will join in with songs, rhymes, stories and poems to reinforce the sound-writing patterns. · All topics have been chosen to ensure pupils are familiar with the concepts, e.g. family life, food, to ensure pupils have greater opportunities to engage in conversation in French, at school and at home. |
Reading & Writing (inc grammar) |
· Sentence builder activities will be used from Y3 to support pupils to move from expressing their views orally to written. · Familiar stories written in the target language will be used throughout KS2 to develop vocabulary and to the structure of written language, including the identification of cognates. · From Year 3 onwards, pupils will study word classes (adjectives, gendered nouns, verbs and pronouns). · Pupils will generally work in the present tense through Year 3-5 and will touch on the past and future tense in Year 6 when discussing ‘Hobbies’ and ‘Life in Year 7’ (topics which have been chosen to aid transition to KS3. · Support will be given through the use of sentence builders to form grammatically correct sentences with the aim that pupils will begin to write phrases from memory and adapt these to create new sentences. · Pupils in Year 5 and 6 will be increasingly challenged to express their own ideas and withdraw from the level of support given at the early stages of language learning thus working more independently. |
Cultural Awareness |
· Cultural awareness and appreciation underpins the whole Languages curriculum. · Pupils will identify similarities and differences between the cultures through topics such as: ‘Music, songs and poetry’, ‘Home and local area’, ‘School’ and ‘Food’ to name a few. |