
Our School Day


School Sessions    Reception                 Key Stage 1           Key Stage 2


Morning session      8.50 – 11.55             8.50 – 12.10               8.50 – 12.20

Afternoon session   12.55 – 3.20              1.00 - 3.20                 1.10 - 3.25

Compulsory school hours are 32 hours and 30 minutes for Reception and KS1 and 32 hours and 55 minutes for KS2.

The school gates will open from 8.40am for pupils to make their way into class to complete their Morning Work. Registers will be taken at 8.50 and pupils should be in class for the register to be taken at this time. The school gates will be locked at 8.50am and reopen at 3:10pm.


Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24 including Impact Statement 2022-23 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021

Special Educational Needs & Disability

Calderdale's Local Offer is one central place to access all information about services and support available to disabled children, young people and their families. Whether you are a child, young person or parent/carer, you will be able to access all the information you need about education, leisure, social care and health. You can access Calderdale's Local Offer on their website here.


The SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Information, Advice and Support Service (formerly Parent Partnership Service) provides legally based, impartial, confidential and accessible information, advice and support for parents of children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities about education, health and social care. Contact details: 01422 266141

Visit Website

Unique Ways

Unique Ways – Supporting families with disabled children – Meeting other parents with a disabled child can be a huge source of support for families. Many families find it helpful to meet or chat with other families who are in a similar situation to them. Contact 01422 343030

Visit Website

CMBC - Local Offer

Local Offer for children with special needs and disabilities. The central place to access all information about the services and support available to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities aged 0 – 25.

Visit Website

Anti-Bullying Policy Dyslexia Policy 2023 SEN Policy September 2023 Unique Ways Information & Video SEN Information Report September 2023 Calderdale SEND Strategy Intimate and Personal Care Policy Accessibility Policy Medical Needs Policy

Mrs Shona Smaldon  Deputy Headteacher & SENCO  Get in Touch


School uniform list

Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore

Sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo

Gold polo shirt (school logo preferred)

Grey, black or white socks or black or grey socks

Black shoes (not trainers)

Fleece (optional)

In summer: blue and white/yellow and white check dress (optional)



Uniform is ordered through school on our online payment system (Arbor) and then by visiting the ‘shop’.

Orders are processed once a term and will then be forwarded to your child when the delivery arrive

Details of order dates will be put on the school newsletter

PE / Games / Swimming

PE kit

Pupils will need to have a pump bag in school containing the following:

Black pumps

For indoor PE:

White t-shirt

Royal blue shorts

For outdoor PE:

Tracksuit/sweatshirt/jogging pants

Trainers (optional)

For health and safety reasons, all children with long hair should have it tied back for PE.

The school will provide a separate PE kit for pupils when participating in school sports events.

Swimming kit

On the designated swimming day, all children need to bring a bag containing an item of swimming clothing (see below) and a towel.

Long hair (boys and girls) should be tied up in a bun (a ponytail is not acceptable) or a swimming cap must be worn. This is for the safety of all pupils.

Boys and girls should bring their own swimming cap, if required, and they may use their own goggles.

All items brought from home should be clearly labelled with the child's name.

Armbands are provided by the school.

Girls should wear one-piece swimming costumes (no bikinis or tankinis).

Boys should wear trunks or short swimming shorts (no Bermuda style or Surfer style shorts).

Children may wear full body suits for religious beliefs or for a pre-existing medical condition.

Jewellery should not be worn – the only exception is the wearing of jewellery for religious beliefs.

If children have pierced ears they must be able to remove their own earrings – this is for the safety of all pupils. Children cannot swim if they are unable to remove their own earrings.

If your child has a verruca then they must provide their own verruca sock as the virus can easily spread in a swimming pool environment. Children cannot swim if they have a verruca and do not have a verruca sock.

Hair, jewellery and accessories

Children are not allowed to wear jewellery but may wear simple watches (no smart watches). Pierced earrings should be limited to studs (one in each ear). Pupils wearing watches and studs are responsible for them. Pupils are expected to remove their own studs for swimming and replace them afterwards and cover them with plasters (brought from home) for PE.

Simple hair accessories (e.g. hairbands, clips) may be worn but must be an appropriate size. Pupils wearing excessive hair accessories will be asked to remove them until the end of the day.

I love school because I learn so much and it’s great fun

Year 1 Pupil

Ofsted Reports

Ofsted Report - June 2021 Ofsted report June 2021

Important Dates

Request for absence Holiday Dates Sept 2023 - 2025

Sports Premium

Financial Information

Individuals earning over £100,000 Sport development plan 2022-23 Charging & Remissions Policy Schools' financial benchmarking



Accessibility Policy Accessibility Policy October 2020 Anti-Bullying Policy Attendance Policy for Pupils Charging & Remissions Policy -Nov 2022 Complaints Procedure Data Protection Policy Nov 23.pdf Discipline Statement and Behaviour Policy Dyslexia Policy 2023 Equality Objectives 2023 Equality Policy Equality Policy Jan 2023 ESafety policy - Jan 2021 EWB and Mental Health Policy April 2019 Exclusions Policy FOI Policy Jan 2023 Home Learning Policy Intimate and Personal Care Policy Intimate and Personal Care Policy September 2021.pdf Jan 2021: COVID 19 Safeguarding and Child Protection Arrangements Medical Needs Policy Model Publication Scheme Retention Schedule Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Procedures 2023-24 SEN Policy September 2023 Should I Keep My Child Off School? Uniform Policy

Curriculum Policies

Written calculations policy 2022-23 Relationship and Health Education policy - Oct 2021 Homework July 22 Handwriting and Spelling Policy

GDPR Information 

Retention Schedule Applicants Privacy Notice 2023.pdf Data Protection Policy Nov 23.pdf Governors Privacy Notice 2023.pdf Pupil Parent Privacy Notice (Primary)

School Dinners

School Dinner Menu from April Free School Meals


Download The Food Quarter mobile app or click the 'School Dinner Menu' tab above to view the menu for each day. A selection of sandwiches, jacket potatoes and salad will also be available every day.