English: Reading
The teaching of reading at Woodhouse Primary School
There are two dimensions to the teaching of reading: word reading (decoding and phonics) and comprehension (listening and reading). At Woodhouse, we strive to teach these skills in a variety of different ways detailed below. DARTS (Directed Activities Related to Texts) sessions are additional to English lessons, enabling staff and pupils to read a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and engage in in depth discussions. Almost all English units are based on a variety of high quality texts and, where necessary, links to reading comprehension and word reading will be made in these lessons too. These class texts include a range of genres such as fairy stories, traditional tales, predictable phrase books, stories with recurring language, myths and legends, modern fiction, fiction from our literary heritage, books from other cultures and traditions, poetry, play scripts and non-fiction. They are often drawn from our reading spine – our 50 Book Challenge.
A brief overview of the teaching of reading across school
Daily class story time
Small group reading session three times per week, each with a different focus: fluency, prosody and comprehension
Weekly word box 1:1
Daily phonics sessions and extra ‘keep-up’ practice when necessary
Book based units in Enquiry Learning
Provision of ‘Sharing Book’ for children to take home
Same-day intervention to help all ‘keep up’ in phonics
Daily class story time
Small group reading session three times per week, each with a different focus: fluency, prosody and comprehension
Daily phonics sessions and extra ‘keep-up’ practice when necessary
Book-based units in English
Provision of ‘Sharing Book’ for children to take home
Same-day intervention to help all ‘keep up’ in phonics
Daily class story time
Three 30 minute whole-class DARTs sessions focusing on fluency, prosody and comprehension using texts drawn from Rigby Star’s ‘Cracking Comprehension’, Woodhouse’s 50 Book Challenge and a range of other quality novels
Daily phonics sessions through Autumn term
Book-based units in English
Same-day intervention to help all ‘keep up’ in phonics
Daily phonics intervention for those who need it
Weekly 60 minutes DARTS session focusing on reading comprehension including ‘Rigby Star Cracking Comprehension’ texts
Book-based units in English
Daily phonics intervention for those who need it
Weekly 60 minutes DARTS session focusing on reading comprehension including ‘Rigby Star Cracking Comprehension’ texts
Book based units in English
Daily phonics intervention for those who need it
Weekly 60 minutes DARTS session focusing on reading comprehension including ‘Rigby Star Cracking Comprehension’ texts
Book based units in English
Weekly 60 minutes DARTS session focusing on reading comprehension including ‘Rigby Star Cracking Comprehension’ texts
Book based units in English
Accelerated Reader
Reading in Reception and Key Stage 1
In Year R and Year 1, we use 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised' which is a validated systematic synthetic phonics programme to teach reading and writing. We maintain full fidelity to this scheme which focuses heavily on repeated practice. Daily phonics sessions allow pupils to learn how to segment and blend using their phonic knowledge which is then consolidated throughout the day through both teacher led and independent activities. Each week, pupils will be individually taught using a ‘word box’ which links to their current level of phonics knowledge based around ‘Little Wandle’. Phases 2, 3 and 4 are taught in this first year of their learning journey.
Children are exposed to a variety of stories during their daily story time, including fiction, non-fiction, nursery rhymes and poetry. To develop their comprehension skills, pupils will also take part in thrice-weekly reading groups with highly trained adults. These sessions have three different foci: fluency, prosody and comprehension. The text that is used in this reading group is a Big Cat Collins book which is phonically decodable, matched closely to the children’s phonic ability (following assessment using Little Wandle’s assessment system) and is also the book that the children take home to read to their parents.
To ensure children develop their understanding of vocabulary, structure and grammar within sentences as well as developing reading comprehension skills, pupils will also take home a book which is not decodable – this is called a ‘Sharing book’ and has been chosen by the child to follow their own interests. This book is meant to be shared with an adult in their life and focuses on building vocabulary, exploring the wider world of literature and most importantly developing a love of reading.
Every day, the pupils will also share a class reading book with the teacher – a book chosen from the Woodhouse 50 Book Challenge - which will further develop a love of and enthusiasm for reading. This text may well be repeated numerous times throughout the year to enable the children to enjoy getting involved in the story and at points learn the conventions of rhyme and rhythm.
In Year 1, pupils continue to have daily phonics sessions to consolidate Phase 3 and 4 letters and sounds as well as becoming well-versed in the phase 5 alternative phonemes for each sound e.g. ‘ai’ can also be ‘ay’ and ‘a-e’.
In Year 2, pupils will revise phase 5 phonics during the Autumn term to ensure that it is fully embedded in the children’s practice and they will also have three weekly DARTs sessions focusing on decoding, prosody and reading comprehension using short texts. Pupils who require extra support to secure their phonics knowledge are provided with regular intervention sessions. Reading comprehension, linking to the text the children are currently reading together in class, is also explored within English lessons.
Reading in KS2
In KS2, where pupils' decoding skills are more advanced, there is a greater focus on developing children's comprehension. Weekly DARTs sessions focus on reading skills where pupils explore short texts and answer a variety of questions. Reading comprehension is also explored within English lessons linking to the text the children are currently reading. English mentoring sessions are held where teachers can read 1:1 with pupils and discuss the choices children are making when choosing books to ensure they read a broad and balanced range. In some cases, additional phonics intervention is provided to ensure all children learn the critical skill of decoding, though this is in a small minority of cases.
Reading Scheme
A reading scheme, which comprises of Oxford Reading Tree and Big Cat Collins books, runs in Key Stage 2. In the earliest levels, the books are easier to decode and comprehend whereas, further up the stages, word lengths, word difficulty and prior knowledge needed to comprehend the text successfully, all increase. The schemes provide pupils with the opportunity to read a broad range of fiction and non-fiction books. Pupils are provided with a reading stage level ranging from 1-20 which, through ongoing teacher assessment, is changed in line with the progress the individual child is making. We believe that it is beneficial to repeat books in order to encourage fluent reading and make it clear to pupils that it is not a race to get through the levels. Each pupil has a reading packet which contains their reading book and a reading diary for parental comments. We encourage children in Year 3-5 to change their books at least once a week and pupils in Year 4-6 are responsible for changing their own book to develop their independence when selecting books from the reading library.
In Year 6, pupils choose books from the class library providing a huge range of authors and genres and they are encouraged – with these longer books – to change their book once every two weeks. They also take part in the Accelerated Reader scheme which promotes children's independent reading and comprehension. On completion of a book, children take a quiz online which provides them with instant feedback. Feedback from pupils shows that this scheme has a positive impact on their motivation to read.
Parental Involvement
There are many ways we involve parents in their child’s reading including a reading diary where they are invited to make comments based on their child’s ability to read fluently and with good understanding. Strategies for supporting children are also outlined in the diary so that parents can make the most of the time spent reading with their child.
Reading for pleasure
To promote a love of reading, each year group has a 50 Book Challenge which children are challenged to complete by the end of Years 2, 4 and 6. Class readers and many literacy units are chosen from this core set of texts specifically picked to enhance the breadth of reading across school. Each class also has a library where children can select from a variety of fiction, non-fiction and poetry books to share at home with their adults. In KS2, classes are also provided with a weekly copy of the ‘First News’ newspaper. Whole school events such as Roald Dahl Day, World Book Day and National Poetry Day are celebrated as well as visits to the local library in Key Stage 2. Each year group has a system in place to encourage frequent book changing and reading at home and this can include rewards such as bookmarks, golden tickets and stationery.
50 Book Challenges
To further expand our children's exposure to quality literature, we have three 50 Book Challenges that each span two year groups. Each challenge contains a huge range of specially-chosen authors, genres and vocabulary designed to introduce children to the most moving, exciting and entertaining books aimed at their specific age group. Included in the vast collection are classic books from our literary heritage, modern books from the most up-to-date authors and contemporary favourites to help your child further develop a love of reading. Who will be the first to read them all?
Year 5-6 50 Book Challenge
Year 1-2 50 Book Challenge
Year 3-4 50 Book Challenge
Vulnerable learners
To support children who require additional reading support, interventions take place across the school including phonics interventions linked to ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised’, regular individual 1:1 reading with an adult, pre-reading texts which will be used in DARTs lessons and Better Reading. Echo reading is another strategy used to support vulnerable learners who require additional support with their decoding. This then enables all children to access comprehension activities in KS2.
Reading Progression
Reading Progression
Supporting Your Child's reading
At Woodhouse Primary School, we aim for all our children to develop confidence and independence when learning how to read and to develop a love of books. We endeavour to provide them with many opportunities to read a wide range of reading material throughout their time with us, building on skills as they develop as readers. There are many simple things that you can do at home to help your child to develop skills and become a confident reader (as shown in the leaflet below).
Both in KS1 and KS2, logging comments in your child's reading diary is a useful form of communication with teachers in regards to reading. There are some suggested comments included in the attached leaflet which may help you when doing this. If you child reads a book of their own choice which does not appear on the school reading scheme, this is also something that can be recorded in the reading diary as it helps to build up a picture of your child as a reader.
World Book Day
On March 2nd 2023, we celebrated World Book Day by having a competition that we named 'Book in a Box' where pupils could design a cardboard box to link to their favourite book. We had a whopping 138 amazing entries! Winners will be announced on 14/03/2023.
Please click the website below to see more.
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There are many free downloadable resource packs including:
Y1 – phonics, grammar, punctuation, writing
Y2 – reading comprehension, grammar, writing
Y3/4 – spelling, grammar, writing, punctuation
Y5/6 – reading comprehension, spelling, grammar, vocabulary
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eBook: Formidable Sid

The story follows the intriguing Violet and her classmates as they prepare for Pet Day at school. As the children excitedly share stories about different types of pets in the run-up to the day, Violet interrupts with wild claims about her mysterious pet, Sid. But is Sid really the scary monster Violet says he is?
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