Relationships Education & Social, Personal, Emotional, Citizenship & Trust

A bespoke RESPECT curriculum has been developed in response to promoting our pupils' spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development. Through our RESPECT curriculum, we equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and attributes necessary to make informed decisions about their well-being, health, safety and relationships. Each year group learns about pertinent issues linking to our core school values:  

Be United

To celebrate our social and cultural diversity so that everyone feels valued and respected

Be Safe

To provide a caring, secure and nurturing environment where all can learn, work or play with confidence

Be Healthy

To provide opportunities for pupils to develop healthy lifestyles and thereby promote physical, spiritual and emotional well – being

Be Creative

To offer a curriculum which is relevant and creative; promoting high quality learning which challenges  and develops  all our pupils’ talents and gifts  enabling  them to reach their full potential

Be Caring

To respect and value ourselves and others in the community by displaying positive attitudes, pride in our school, appreciation of each other and challenging negative influences and behaviour

Be Bold

To provide learning experiences, both inside and outside the classroom, which promote and develop pupils’ independence and resilience

• Prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.  

• Give pupils the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.  

• Support pupils’ skills to recognise positive, healthy and respectful relationships. 

• Help to safeguard pupils so they can find and access help and support.  

• Teach pupils’ tolerance, the importance of equality and respect for diversity.  

• Develop pupils’ self-respect and self-worth, confidence and empathy. 

Within the RESPECT curriculum, and covertly across many areas of school, we seek to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We aim to enable pupils to: 

  • understand how they can influence decision-making through the process of democracy 
  • appreciate that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for well-being and safety 
  • understand that the freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law 
  • accept that other people may have different faiths or beliefs and this should be accepted and tolerated 
  • understand the importance of identifying and dealing with discrimination 
A variety of learning experiences are provided to maximise pupils' understanding and external visitors are carefully selected to enrich learning and provide expert skills and knowledge throughout our RESPECT curriculum.
We have followed the Government’s recommendation to teach aspects of Sex Education in a way that is appropriate to the age, physical and emotional maturity of our pupils. At Woodhouse, Sex Education is taught in Year 6 and parents have the right to withdraw their child from Sex Education in primary schools.


Relationship And Health Year 1 and 2 Medium Term Overview Year 3 And 4 Medium Term Overview Year 5 And 6 Medium Term Overview 1