Wellbeing Vision Statement

Just like everyone has a body, everyone has mental health. Mental health in childhood means reaching developmental and emotional milestones learning healthy social skills and how to cope when there are problems. It is about children and young people being able to thrive, cope and manage through everyday life, particularly when problems arise. Mentally healthy children have a positive quality of life and can function well at home, in school, and in their communities. When children have good levels of wellbeing, it helps them to learn and explore the world. They can feel, express and manage both positive and negative emotions as well as being able to form and maintain good relationships.

At Woodhouse, we are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of everyone in our school community. One of the ways that we do this is through our curriculum work, in RESPECT lessons and through regular assemblies which discuss how important mental health and well-being is.  We have a bespoke RESPECT curriculum with a clear intent to meet the emotional wellbeing needs of pupils in school and to respond to emerging national and local issues. We strongly encourage pupils to develop resilience so they can manage normal stress and we empower pupils to self-regulate to be able to better cope with everyday challenges. All staff model and promote positive mental wellbeing by normalising talking about mental health. Within school, we promote a calm, structured and safe environment that promotes respect, values, diversity and has clear behaviour expectations. These values are underpinned by our school values (Be Bold, Be Healthy, Be Caring, Be Safe, Be Creative, Be United) which encourages pupils to develop into active, responsible citizens with good mental health and well-being. We also effectively coordinate with external agencies who are there to help with the larger challenges in life.  

Wellbeing Team

Where pupils require additional support within school, we have a range of staff who can provide this.

Senior Mental Health Lead: Mrs Crane

Mental health and well-being lead: Mrs Smaldon

Well-being team: Mrs Crane, Mrs Smaldon, Miss Walker, Mr Bale, Mrs Hirst, Mrs Craig and Mrs Thorpe

Learning mentors: Mrs Craig and Mrs Thorpe

All staff have a duty of care to monitor and support pupils with their mental health and well-being. As part of this, we have created a bespoke graduated response and flow chart of needs to highlight what is good mental health and well-being and what requires additional support. All staff can record any concerns or worries about a pupil’s mental health and well-being on the class well-being tracker. This is then monitored by the well -being team.

The well- being team meets fortnightly to discuss the well-being trackers and to allocate support to children who require additional nurture, follow up referrals to be made to outside agencies, informal check-ins with individuals and care packages for specific children as required.

Outside agencies:

At Woodhouse, we work closely with a range of outside agencies to provide the correct support that a pupil requires. We are part of the Calderdale Mental Health Support Team which is a new additional resource helping to support emotional wellbeing in school. This is through a range of strategies such as: 1:1 intervention, group work, signposting to external advice or supporting our whole school approach through training or workshops.  We are extremely fortunate that within school we are also supported in our work by Anum Munir who is an Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) who works as part of the Calderdale Mental Health Support Team (MHST) within Openminds CAMHS and is in school weekly. We can refer pupils to work with the EMHP when they are suffering with low mental health and well-being. School works in partnership with home and the EMHP to set up weekly support sessions or to refer to additional agencies as required.  Parental drop ins are hosted termly for regular access for parents to speak to the EMHP and can include webinars which will cover useful and popular topics.  

Useful websites

Young Minds – fighting for young people’s mental health

Young Minds – Shelter Cymru

Parenting isn’t always easy! And it’s OK to ask for / seek help.

Visit Website


What is the ‘norm’ of anxiety?

When does it become a problem?

What might help?

Something all CYP experience

A normal response to situations that we see as threatening

Can be helpful in some situations; when we need to perform well or in an emergency

Worries and fears linked to appropriate development stages- fear of dark, going to school, being separated from parents- these develop as the child learns more about the world.

Worries around events or situations that are occurring- sports day, SAT’s, changing class teacher, friendship groups

Feeling shy around new people

Normal reaction to stress or difficult times

Triggered by specific stressor

Has a start and end point.

Slight change to physical symptoms- butterflies in stomach, heart racing faster etc

Seeking reassurance

Might start reporting that they feel unwell.

The worries take over daily life and are reoccurring.

Anxiety and worries becoming persistent and no start to end so one worry might lead to further worries, seem more adult focused or never ending.

Physical symptoms increase- chest pains, headaches, breathing changes; and the symptoms become more persistent and intense.


Losing their appetite

Not sleeping well

Avoiding situations, activities or events that they use to enjoy

Needing lots of reassurance more than usual

Overpreparing or putting things off.

Having panic attacks

Reports of feeling unwell a lot.

Double checking a lot.

Try speaking with your child- asking them to talk about their worries and how they are feeling. A book like a big bag of worries can help do this (add a link)


Worry Time Worry Monster Worry Box


Small plans, checklists or visual aids to support situations/routines etc.

Speak to school if you have tried some of the strategies but problems persist with your child, become worse, you feel you need extra support

Low mood

What is the ‘norm’ of low mood?

When does it become a problem?

What might help?

The 'normal ups and downs' of mood daily. And that being sad in relation to a particular context is 'normal' so like falling out with a friend or something happening at home.

Some days cannot be bothered to do things or not want to do normal activities.

Every now and then compare self to peers.

Some issues sleeping

Tearful after situations like being told off, feeling left out, falling out with friends, not doing what they want to do

More persistent

Taking over daily life

Sad and irritable most days

Not finding things fun anymore.

Not engaging in hobbies, school work and wanting to be by self a lot more

Change in appetite

Tired or struggling with sleep
Struggling to concentrate at home, school and any extra curriculum activities

Low in self-esteem or confidence

Hopeless and feeling worthless

Self harm

Try talking to your child about how they are feeling

Try bring in small activities a day like:

  • Creative/active ideas- baking, games, dancing, painting nails, arts & crafts
  • Try get out of house- go on a walk, bike ride, play in the garden
  • Give sense of responsibility that’s age appropriate
  • Positive playlist to listen to
  • Keep diary to help them express journal
  • Positive jar- adding achievements, things themselves / parents are proud of, things they are grateful for


Speak to school if you have tried some of the strategies but problems persist with your child, become worse, you feel you need extra support